We learned a number of things in this chapter. We, again, learned how to adapt a design for our own purposes and use some basic ideas to use parts we could find in place of parts we could not. We also had a sneak peek at what it takes to convert a CNC-ed part to a 3D-printed part. Finally, we assembled a 4th axis that we can now use to machine or engrave cylinders of various sizes. One thing we did not take into account in this chapter is nonlinear cylinders, and this project is really meant for surfaces that are consistent – that is, the cylinder’s work area does not have a changing diameter. However, there is nothing stopping you from working on a cylindrical surface that does have a changing diameter – you just would have to set the CNC machine to work each linear segment separately.
Let us now move on to the next chapter and look at creating a “poor man’s 4th axis” for our 3018. This will allow our 3018 to cut things such as...