Yesterday, the team behind Julia announced the release of Julia v1.2. It is the second minor release in the 1.x series and has new features such as argument splatting, support for Unicode 12 and a new ⋆ (star) unary operator. Julia v1.2 also has many performance improvements with marginal and undisruptive changes.
The post states that Julia v1.2 will not have a long term support and “As of this release, 1.1 has been effectively superseded by 1.2, which means there will not likely be any further 1.1.x releases. Our good friend 1.0 is still currently the only long-term support version.”
Jeff Bezanson, Julia co-creator says, “If you maintain any packages, this is a good time to add CI for 1.2, check compatibility, and tag new versions as needed.”
Users are happy with the Julia v1.2 release and are all praises for the Julia language.
A user on Hacker News comments, “Julia has very well thought syntax and runtime
I hope to see it succeed in the server-side web development area.”
Another user says, “I’ve recently switched to Julia for all my side projects and I’m loving it so far! For me the killer feature is the seamless GPUs integration.”
For more information on Julia v1.2, head over to its release notes.
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