In this article, by Willie L. Pritchett, author of the Kali Linux Cookbook, we will learn about the various wireless attacks. These days, wireless networks are everywhere. With users being on the go like never before, having to remain stationary because of having to plug into an Ethernet cable to gain Internet access is not feasible. For this convenience, there is a price to be paid; wireless connections are not as secure as Ethernet connections. In this article, we will explore various methods for manipulating radio network traffic including mobile phones and wireless networks.
We will cover the following topics in this article:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Wireless Equivalent Privacy, or WEP as it's commonly referred to, has been around since 1999 and is an older security standard that was used to secure wireless networks. In 2003, WEP was replaced by WPA and later by WPA2. Due to having more secure protocols available, WEP encryption is rarely used. As a matter of fact, it is highly recommended that you never use WEP encryption to secure your network! There are many known ways to exploit WEP encryption and we will explore one of those ways in this recipe.
In this recipe, we will use the AirCrack suite to crack a WEP key. The AirCrack suite (or AirCrack NG as it's commonly referred to) is a WEP and WPA key cracking program that captures network packets, analyzes them, and uses this data to crack the WEP key.
In order to perform the tasks of this recipe, experience with the Kali terminal window is required. A supported wireless card configured for packet injection will also be required. In case of a wireless card, packet injection involves sending a packet, or injecting it onto an already established connection between two parties. Please ensure your wireless card allows for packet injection as this is not something that all wireless cards support.
Let's begin the process of using AirCrack to crack a network session secured by WEP.
airmon-ng stop ifconfig wlan0 down
macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
airmon-ng start wlan0
airodump-ng wlan0
airodump-ng –c 10 –w wirelessattack --bssid 09:AC:90:AB:78 wlan0
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 09:AC:90:AB:78 –h 00:11:22:33:44:55 –e backtrack wlan0
aireplay-ng -3 –b 09:AC:90:AB:78 –h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
aircrack-ng –b 09:AC:90:AB:78 wirelessattack.cap
That's it!
In this recipe, we used the AirCrack suite to crack the WEP key of a wireless network. AirCrack is one of the most popular programs for cracking WEP. AirCrack works by gathering packets from a wireless connection over WEP and then mathematically analyzing the data to crack the WEP encrypted key. We began the recipe by starting AirCrack and selecting our desired interface. Next, we changed our MAC address which allowed us to change our identity on the network and then searched for available wireless networks to attack using airodump. Once we found the network we wanted to attack, we used aireplay to associate our machine with the MAC address of the wireless device we were attacking. We concluded by gathering some traffic and then brute-forced the generated CAP file in order to get the wireless password.
WiFi Protected Access, or WPA as it's commonly referred to, has been around since 2003 and was created to secure wireless networks and replace the outdated previous standard, WEP encryption. In 2003, WEP was replaced by WPA and later by WPA2. Due to having more secure protocols available, WEP encryption is rarely used.
In this recipe, we will use the AirCrack suite to crack a WPA key. The AirCrack suite (or AirCrack NG as it's commonly referred) is a WEP and WPA key cracking program that captures network packets, analyzes them, and uses this data to crack the WPA key.
In order to perform the tasks of this recipe, experience with the Kali Linux terminal windows is required. A supported wireless card configured for packet injection will also be required. In the case of a wireless card, packet injection involves sending a packet, or injecting it onto an already established connection between two parties.
Let's begin the process of using AirCrack to crack a network session secured by WPA.
airmon-ng stop wlan0 ifconfig wlan0 down
macchanger -–mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
airmon-ng start wlan0
airodump-ng wlan0
airodump-ng –c 10 –w wirelessattack --bssid 09:AC:90:AB:78 wlan0
Aireplay-ng --deauth 1 –a 09:AC:90:AB:78 –c 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
Aircrack-ng –w ./wordlist.lst wirelessattack.cap
That's it!
In this recipe, we used the AirCrack suite to crack the WPA key of a wireless network. AirCrack is one of the most popular programs for cracking WPA. AirCrack works by gathering packets from a wireless connection over WPA and then brute-forcing passwords against the gathered data until a successful handshake is established. We began the recipe by starting AirCrack and selecting our desired interface. Next, we changed our MAC address which allowed us to change our identity on the network and then searched for available wireless networks to attack using airodump . Once we found the network we wanted to attack, we used aireplay to associate our machine with the MAC address of the wireless device we were attacking. We concluded by gathering some traffic and then brute forced the generated CAP file in order to get the wireless password.
In this recipe we will use Gerix to automate a wireless network attack. Gerix is an automated GUI for AirCrack. Gerix comes installed by default on Kali Linux and will speed up your wireless network cracking efforts.
A supported wireless card configured for packet injection will be required to complete this recipe. In the case of a wireless card, packet injection involves sending a packet, or injecting it, onto an already established connection between two parties.
Let's begin the process of performing an automated wireless network crack with Gerix by downloading it.
wget https://bitbucket.org/Skin36/gerix-wifi-cracker-pyqt4/downloads/
unrar x gerix-wifi-cracker-master.rar
mv gerix-wifi-cracker-master /usr/share/gerix-wifi-cracker
cd /usr/share/gerix-wifi-cracker
python gerix.py
That's it!
In this recipe, we used Gerix to automate a crack on a wireless network in order to obtain the WEP key. We began the recipe by launching Gerix and enabling the monitoring mode interface. Next, we selected our victim from a list of attack targets provided by Gerix. After we started sniffing the network traffic, we then used Chop Chop to generate the CAP file. We concluded the recipe by gathering 20,000 packets and brute-forced the CAP file with AirCrack.
With Gerix, we were able to automate the steps to crack a WEP key without having to manually type commands in a terminal window. This is an excellent way to quickly and efficiently break into a WEP secured network.
In this recipe, we will use Gerix to create and set up a fake access point (AP). Setting up a fake access point gives us the ability to gather information on each of the computers that access it. People in this day and age will often sacrifice security for convenience. Connecting to an open wireless access point to send a quick e-mail or to quickly log into a social network is rather convenient. Gerix is an automated GUI for AirCrack.
A supported wireless card configured for packet injection will be required to complete this recipe. In the case of a wireless card, packet injection involves sending a packet, or injecting it onto an already established connection between two parties.
Let's begin the process of creating a fake AP with Gerix.
cd /usr/share/gerix-wifi-cracker
python gerix.py
That's it!
In this recipe, we used Gerix to create a fake AP. Creating a fake AP is an excellent way of collecting information from unsuspecting users. The reason fake access points are a great tool to use is that to your victim, they appear to be a legitimate access point, thus making it trusted by the user. Using Gerix, we were able to automate the creation of setting up a fake access point in a few short clicks.