In this article by Belinda Allen, author of the book Building Dashboards with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 - Second Edition, we would learn how refreshable Excel reports are easy to deploy, easy to update, and easy to work with. That's why, they make a great foundation for an Excel 2016 dashboard. In this article, you will learn how to manage security to Excel reports and run these Excel reports from Dynamics GP 2016 as well as Excel 2016.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
By default, users can view Excel reports and data connections only if they have administrative credentials on the server that is running the SQL Server and if they have access to the network share. Since this isn't a normal setup, users typically need reporting privileges in the SQL Server before they can view the Microsoft Dynamics GP data that is displayed in data connections and Excel reports.
There are three areas of security around Excel reports deployed to a network share or local drive:
We'll spend a few minutes on each one.
Realistically, network share security is normally going to be set by a network administrator. To make a shortcut for administrators, the minimum required security on the shared folder is:
Now, for those of you who want the version that is longer than a (as Mark Polino would say) Latvian wiener dog, follow these steps:
These instructions will vary depending on the version of the Windows server used on the network or the user's version of Windows on a local drive. If you are unsure about setting this up, consult your IT department.
By default, Dynamics GP 2016 deploys reports related to each company and each functional area in their own network folder. This makes it easy to apply different permission levels to sensitive areas such as payroll.
Access to information in the Dynamics GP 2016 database is handled a little differently. A set of fixed security roles is created automatically in the SQL Server when Excel reports are deployed. All of these roles start with rpt_. These roles provide access to the underlying tables and views. The process to assign security is to add a user or group to the SQL Server and give them access to the appropriate roles. The users that get added are not Dynamics GP users. They are either SQL Server users (different from the GP login IDs) or active directory users and groups.
To connect the SQL role with an Excel report to ensure that a user has appropriate access, you really need the spreadsheet from Microsoft that links the two together. You can find it at https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=e4bb6958-0f07-4451-b72c-f02784e484df.
This spreadsheet is from version GP 10, but it still works for GP 2016.
In our example, we need access to the Account Summary Default Excel sheet. This sheet uses the Account Summary view. On the spreadsheet, we see a number of roles that include the appropriate access:
For our example, we'll give a user access to the rpt_accounting manager role. In practice, it's not unusual to add all GP users to a single active directory group and give that group access to all the fixed reporting roles. This is particularly true for companies that don't use payroll and that don't have other sensitive reporting requirements.
To grant database permission using the built-in roles, we have to add the user or group to the SQL Server and then assign the appropriate role(s).
To add a user to SQL Server, follow these steps:
The user has now been added to the SQL Server. Our example used a domain user, but you can also set up a SQL user. In general, a domain user is preferred, because it eliminates the need for the user to manage multiple logins and passwords for reporting. Using a domain login also provides additional control to administrators. If an employee leaves, for example, removing them from the domain removes both their network access and their reporting access in one step.
To grant access to the reporting roles, follow these steps:
In the lower-center section named Database role membership for: TWO, select the box next to rpt_Accounting Manager:
The user now has rights to access the TWO AccountSummary default report that we've been working with and any other reports available as part of the rpt_Accounting Manager role.
As you connect with database connections in Excel, a security bar may pop up with the message SECURITY WARNING External Data Connections have been disabled:
This is an Excel security feature designed to prevent malicious code from running without the user's knowledge. In our case, however, we deployed the reports. We are now running them on our network and controlling access. This is about as secure as it's going to get, and the message is really annoying for users. Let's turn it off.
To disable the Excel security message for these files, follow these steps:
Now, when you run the Excel reports in the next section, the reports will open in Excel 2016 without the security warning.
Microsoft offers a great knowledge base article on Excel reports and security at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/949524 for GP 10, but this portion of security remains the same.
Our next step is to run an Excel report. These reports can be run from Dynamics GP 2016, or they can be directly opened in Excel 2016. We will look at both these options.
To run an Excel report from within Dynamics GP, follow these steps:
Options that contain the word Reports open Excel reports. Options with Data Connections in the string indicate the data connector to build a new report, not an actual report. You can limit the Excel reports list to just Reports or Data Connections with the Add Filter button just above the Excel reports list.
Saving the report with a different name in the same folder as the GP deployed reports will make that report visible in the list of Excel reports in GP.
To accomplish this same task (run a GP Excel refreshable report) from Excel 2016, follow these steps:
Excel reports are refreshable, but that doesn't mean that they have to refresh automatically.
Often accountants ask about saving a static version of the file. They love the idea of refreshing data, but they want it to happen on their terms. Most accountants prefer information that doesn't change once it's been finalized, so this request is perfectly natural. By default, the Dynamics GP 2016 connections are designed to refresh automatically when the file is opened, but you can control this.
To understand how to control the refresh options, follow these steps:
To manually refresh the sheet, right-click anywhere in the data area and click Refresh or select Data | Refresh All.
We've looked at one of the best methods for getting data for our dashboard. We've deployed, secured, run, and built Excel reports. Now that we've thoroughly explored one of the best ways to get real-time data out of Dynamics GP 2016 and into Microsoft Excel
Further resources on this subject: