Printing calendars
It’s always nice to rely 100% on being able to access your calendar information online. But there might be times when you want to print out your schedule. Having a busy day can also mean your phone or computer battery may die or you may leave it behind somewhere when you find you need it. As a safeguard, I suggest you create a printout of the day, week, or month depending on your business needs. This could end up being a real frustration saver.
Printing out a calendar is straightforward. File | Print will give you the printing features for a quick printout. Ctrl + P is the shortcut for printing.
You have six settings for printing a calendar. If no details are entered on the calendar, it will print the calendar in Daily Style:
- Daily Style: This style prints a selected day of the calendar, which will include time and time zone information, calendar events, and the daily task list and notes.
Figure 6.21 – Daily...