Web Invoice—invoicing and billing for WordPress
By SH Mohanjith (http://mohanjith.com/)
Why it's awesome: Manage and send invoices directly from WordPress
Why it was picked: Easy to use, just enough power, subscription-based invoices
License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/web-invoice/
Automatic Install search term: Web Invoice
Geek level: Newbie
Configuration location: Top Navigation | Products
Used in: Invoices
Web Invoice is an indispensable plugin for anyone who currently bills clients or offers any type of subscription service. Out of the box, Web Invoice supports one time payment invoices via PayPal.
To leverage Web Invoice's recurring billing feature, you will need to have either a PayPal Business or PayPal Payflow account. You can also leverage some other services such as MerchantPlus, MerchantExpress.com, or MerchantWarehouse. However, as I have never used these services, I can't reliably confirm if they work or not.