WP Web Scrapper
By Akshay Raje (http://webdlabs.com/)

Manual Install URL:
Automatic Install search term: WP Web Scrapper
Geek level: WordPress Ninja
Configuration location: Settings | WP Web Scrapper
Used in: Pages, posts
WP Web Scrapper is definitely not for the weak of heart, but it is for those of you who know what a "JQuery Selector" is. If you know what a "JQuery Selector" is, then you are in for one awesome coding treat. WP WebScrapper makes grabbing parts of ANY website and including it in a post or page on your blog, a snap!
WP Web Scrapper uses CURL and phpQuery to grab and manipulate data from any public website. Because WP Web Scrapper uses phpQuery, you have the luxury to select which elements you want from the external website using jQuery Selectors. Plus you do not need to be afraid if the external website changes, as WP Web Scrapper degrades gracefully if any changes occur.
Copyright warning
It's important to note that while WP Web Scrapper makes ripping content from...