BuddyPress plugins
Virtually all WordPress plugins will work with a BuddyPress WordPress site. However, the reverse is not always true. BuddyPress plugins will require you to have BuddyPress installed.
The following items are a few plugins which are available to customize your community that much more. Unfortunately, at this time, the number of plugins available specifically for BuddyPress is about as thin as the number of themes available for BuddyPress.
To find more BuddyPress-specific plugins, visit http://buddypress.org/extend/plugins.
Group Documents
By Peter Anselmo and Studio66 (http://www.studio66design.com/)

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress/
Automatic Install search term: Buddypress Group Documents
Geek Level: Webmaster
Configuration Location: BuddyPress | Group Documents
Used in: Groups
The Group Documents plugin creates a new page within each of your groups that allows users to upload any type of file or...