Creating a system user account
Creating user accounts in Unix is a multistep process: you need to add user data to system configuration files, create a home directory, copy template files to that directory, and set ownership of those files to the new user. Webmin automates this process for you.
In addition, if you set up synchronization, a Webmin account will also be created for the new user. Refer to the recipe, Creating Webmin users based on existing system accounts, for more information about account synchronization.
Getting ready
We will create a new user account with a single-use password, which the user will have to change to after the first login. In order to allow the user to change the password through Webmin, go to Webmin | Webmin Configuration | Authentication, and set the Password expiry policy option to Prompt users with expired passwords to enter a new one.
How to do it...
Perform the following steps to create a system user account:
Navigate to System | Users and Groups, and click...