RxJS and Vue
If you come from an Angular background, you'll most likely feel right at home with at least the basic concepts of RxJS. This means we're usually dealing with things such as Observables, Subjects, and a variety of operators. If you haven't used them before, not to worry - we'll be investigating what RxJS is, and why we'd want to use it within Vue.
What is RxJS?
If we look at the RxJS documentation, we're greeted with the following definition: "ReactiveX is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences" (http://reactivex.io/intro.html). At first glance, this is not exactly a description that makes us feel comfortable using this within our projects.
RxJS assists us in using reactive programming principles inside of our application, often referred to as a more declarative style rather than imperative. When we talk about an imperative programming style, we're usually telling the computer the exact steps of how to do a particular task. A...