For this recipe, you'll need to have an Actor subclass ready to instantiate. You can use a built-in class such as StaticMeshActor, but it would help to practice with the custom Actor you made in the previous recipe.
Instantiating an Actor using SpawnActor
How to do it...
- Create a new C++ class, like in the previous recipe. This time, select Game Mode Base as your base class:

- Once you have clicked Next, give the new class a name, such as UE4CookbookGameModeBase.
- Declare a function override in the .h file of your new GameModeBase class:
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/GameModeBase.h"
#include "UECookbookGameModeBase.generated.h"
class CHAPTER_04_API...