Testing custom hooks that use React Query
During development, there will be times when your custom hooks are too complex to test alongside the component that leverages them. This can be due to the size of the hook, complex logic, or just too many scenarios that would increase your test complexity if you focused on a user-centric approach. To fix this issue, the React Hooks Testing Library was created.
Now, it might be very tempting to go ahead and use this everywhere, but don’t forget that a user-centric approach will ultimately help you to find issues faster and save time if you decide to refactor the way your hooks work. Either way, if your hook is not used alongside a component or is too complex, the React Hooks Testing Library is definitely something to consider.
Here is how to add the React Hooks Testing Library to your project:
- If you are running npm in your project, run the following command:
npm install @testing-library/react-hooks react-test-renderer -...