Picking the right company name
Every technical startup needs a name! This may seem a silly and frivolous task, but it may be the most important decision you make. The name of your business has a tremendous impact on how customers and investors view you, and in today's small world, it's a world-wide decision.
A big red flag is to talk to an investor or show him a business plan with TBD (to be determined later) or NewCo (a common name placeholder) in the title position. Right or wrong, the name you choose, or don't choose, speaks volumes about your business savvy and understanding of the world you are about to enter.
It's not that hard to get started by making a list of potential names from a scan of the Internet, combining relevant words, or looking through a dictionary. Then, it's time to look for the characteristics that experts and investors look for in a name, with some help from Alex Frankel (http://www.igorinternational.com/press/b202-company-names-identity.php) and others:
Unique and...