Using the Docker registry
The Docker Hub provides a central location to store all Docker images. The images can be stored as public as well as private. In many cases, organizations deploy their own private registries on-premise due to security related concerns.
Follow these steps to set up and run a local registry:
- The following command will start a registry that will bind the registry on port
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:latest
- Tag
to the registry:
docker tag search:1.0 localhost:5000/search:1.0
- Push the image to the registry:
docker push localhost:5000/search:1.0
- Pull the image back from the registry:
docker pull localhost:5000/search:1.0
Setting up the Docker Hub
In the previous chapter, we played with a local Docker registry. This section will show us how to set up and use the Docker Hub to publish the Docker containers. This is a convenient mechanism to globally access the Docker images. Later in this chapter, the Docker images will...