Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a standard way to send data streams from a server to clients. In this next section, we will learn how to implement it using the Spring Framework.
Also, we will understand the main differences between SSE and WebSockets.
Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a standard way to send data streams from a server to clients. In this next section, we will learn how to implement it using the Spring Framework.
Also, we will understand the main differences between SSE and WebSockets.
HTTP is an application layer protocol in the OSI model. The application layer is the last layer represented in the OSI model. It means this layer is closer to the user interface. The main purpose of this layer is to send and receive the data input by the user. In general, it happens by the user interface, also known as applications, such as file transfer and sending an email.
There are several protocols on the application layer...