- ABSoft / Using the G'MIC plugin
- acquisition strategy
- about / What's my acquisition strategy?
- Adobe Photoshop / Correcting perspective in GIMP
- advanced image considerations
- whole photographs, applying as textures / Applying whole photographs as textures
- about / Advanced image considerations
- texture size / Texture size
- file type / File type
- compression / Compression
- size, balancing / Balancing size and compression
- compression, balancing / Balancing size and compression
- advanced texturing techniques
- about / Advanced texturing techniques
- single image-based texturing / Advanced texturing techniques
- seamless (tileable) texturing / Advanced texturing techniques
- fake room, setting up / Setting up a fake room
- animated camera shots
- rendering out / Let's put it together
- animating, in SketchUp
- about / Animating in SketchUp
- simple walkthrough, creating / Creating a simple walkthrough
- animation settings / Animation settings
- right timing, obtaining / Getting the timing right
- individual timing, adding to scene / Adding individual timing to scenes
- animation
- principles / Using the same principles for stills and animation
- planning / Making a start – sketching it out, Writing out the itinerary
- individual frames, saving for / Saving individual frames for an animation
- creating, from still images / Creating an animation from still images
- lighting, with Thea Relight / Lighting animation with Thea Relight
- animation, creating
- animation sequence, editing / Editing an animation sequence
- movie, editing / Editing a movie
- video, exporting / Exporting a video
- animation, lighting with Thea Relight
- about / Lighting animation with Thea Relight
- SketchUp scene, preparing / Preparing the SketchUp scene
- *.scn.thea file, exporting / Exporting to Thea Studio
- materials, modifying with Colimo / Changing materials with Colimo
- animations
- producing, for videos / Becoming a movie-making genius...almost!
- animation sequence
- editing / Editing an animation sequence
- animation settings dialog box
- about / Animation settings
- animations planning
- significance / The importance of planning
- annotations, in LayOut
- about / Annotations in LayOut
- arch-viz scene
- setting up / Setting up an arch-viz scene
- terrain data, importing / Importing terrain data
- site photo, using with PhotoMatch / Using a site photo with Match Photo
- real-world location, setting up / Setting up a real-world location and the Sun's position
- Sun's position, setting up / Setting up a real-world location and the Sun's position
- sketch plan / Sketch plan
- 2D CAD site plan, starting with / Starting with a 2D CAD site plan
- artificial light
- rendering / Rendering artificial light
- artificial lighting
- about / Artificial lighting, Artificial lighting
- Auto-Text feature
- about / Using Auto-Text
- using / Using Auto-Text
- automatic veggie maker / Want an automatic veggie maker?
- balsa wood film scenery props
- creating / Creating balsa wood film scenery props
- basic building shape
- creating / Creating the basic building shape
- basic photo textures
- about / Beginning with basic photo textures
- basic seamless textures
- using / Using basic seamless textures
- benefits, texturing / Deciding to use textures
- bevel (for chamfers) function / The RoundCorner plugin
- BezierSpline plugin
- URL / The Flightpath animation
- billboard elements
- creating / Creating billboard elements
- Billboard scenery elements
- about / Billboard scenery elements
- buildings
- massing / Massing the buildings
- modeling, in SketchUp / Modeling buildings in SketchUp
- modeling, CAD elevations used / Modeling detail from CAD elevations
- modeling, from photograph / Modeling from a photograph
- modeling, measurements used / Modeling by eye or measurements
- modeling, eye used / Modeling by eye or measurements
- built-in styles, SketchUp
- editing / Editing SketchUp's built-in styles
- bump mapping
- about / Can I replace it with 2D?, Materials
- 3D data, importing from / Importing 3D data from CAD
- CAD elevations
- used, for modeling buildings / Modeling detail from CAD elevations
- about / Modeling detail from CAD elevations
- CAD site plan
- setting up / Setting up a CAD site plan
- camera
- setting up / Setting up the camera to challenge and impress
- CameraControls plugin
- about / Fine-tuning with CameraControls
- used, for adding camera effects to scene / Camera pan, roll, and tilt
- camera view
- setting up, steps / Setting up the camera view
- saving / Saving the camera view
- field, modifying / Changing the field of view
- impression of height / Think like a pigeon
- challenging modeling tasks
- handling / Handling challenging modeling tasks
- windows, modeling / Windows and doors
- doors, modeling / Windows and doors
- roofs, modeling / Roof
- flashing details / Flashing details
- ridge tiles, modeling / Modeling ridge tiles
- curtain walls / Curtain walls
- masonry features / Masonry features
- roads, modeling / Roads
- Circle tool
- about / Drawing tools
- clay rendering
- about / Clay rendering
- Cleanup / Importing 3D data from CAD
- Colimo
- materials, modifying with / Changing materials with Colimo
- color channels
- adjusting / Using the Levels dialog
- individual color channels, correcting / Correcting individual color channels
- Color Wash image
- creating / Creating the Color Wash image
- components
- about / Groups, Using components to increase productivity
- creating / Groups
- used, for increasing productivity / Using components to increase productivity
- usage, benefits / How to benefit most from using components
- naming, reasons / Why you should name components
- compositing, in VirtualDub
- about / Compositing in VirtualDub
- animation, creating from still images / Creating an animation from still images
- Computer Graphics Primer
- about / Why use an external renderer?
- conflicts, between SketchUp and third-party renderers
- polygon orientation / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- two-sided polygons / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- Follow-Me components / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- automatic openings / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- material assignments / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- transparency / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- clean geometry / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- instancing / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- proxies / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- scene structure / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- construction lines
- using / Modeling by eye or measurements
- context
- massing / Massing the buildings
- core concepts, SketchUp interface
- splitting / Splitting and healing
- healing / Splitting and healing
- groups / Groups
- inferencing / Inferencing
- layers / Layers and visibility
- visibility / Layers and visibility
- custom page border
- creating / Creating a custom page border
- cylinder
- creating, with low polygon count / Can I reduce the number of segments in an arc or circle?
- 2D CAD site plan
- starting with / Starting with a 2D CAD site plan
- 2D component
- creating, of person / Creating 2D people components
- 2D component, of person
- person, scaling / Scaling the person
- outline, tracing of person / Tracing the outline
- photo texture, applying / Applying the photo texture
- checking, for halos / Checking for halos
- innards, drawing / Drawing the innards
- face-me component, creating / Creating the face-me component
- 3D people / 3D people and the uncanny valley
- uncanny valley / 3D people and the uncanny valley
- 2D images
- real geometry details, replacing with / Can I replace it with 2D?
- saving, in SketchUp / Saving 2D images in SketchUp
- 3D data
- importing, from CAD / Importing 3D data from CAD
- 3D topographic mesh
- about / Importing terrain data
- 3D Warehouse
- about / The 3D Warehouse
- 3D Warehouse components
- cautions / 3D Warehouse components – problems to be aware of
- removing / Purging 3D Warehouse components for your own use
- default materials / Default material
- daylight
- about / Daylight
- using / Using daylight
- clay render, used for lighting tests / Testing the sun and sky with clay render
- Daylight Saving Time / Setting up a real-world location and the Sun's position
- daylight settings
- adjusting, in Thea / Adjusting the daylight settings in Thea
- Dennis effect
- layer masks, using for / Using layer masks for the Dennis effect
- Dennis Nikolaev
- URL, for tutorial page / Using layer masks for the Dennis effect
- Dennis Technique
- about / The Dennis Technique
- setting up, in SketchUp / Setting up the Dennis Technique in SketchUp
- GIMP, setting up for / Setting up GIMP for the Dennis Technique
- modifying / Modifying the Dennis Technique
- Dennis Technique, with SketchUp
- Color Wash image, creating / Creating the Color Wash image
- Lines Only scene tab / Lines only
- Lines and Shadows scene tab / Lines and shadows
- scene tabs, exporting / Exporting the scene tabs
- depth of field
- simulating / Simulating depth of field
- creating, depth render used / Creating depth of field using a depth render
- depth render
- about / Depth render
- used, for creating depth of field / Creating depth of field using a depth render
- detractions
- dealing with / Dealing with detractions
- dimensioning
- about / Getting started with LayOut
- dimensions
- about / Dimensions
- Dirty Hands layer
- about / Adding some grunge – the Dirty Hands layer
- Displacement Mapping (DM) / Materials
- about / Materials
- DoubleCAD XT
- URL / Starting with a 2D CAD site plan
- DraftSight
- URL / Starting with a 2D CAD site plan
- drawing scale / Sketch plan
- drawing tools
- about / Drawing tools
- Line tool / Drawing tools
- Rectangle tool / Drawing tools
- Circle tool / Drawing tools
- Polygon tool / Drawing tools
- dummy components
- using / Using dummy components
- Edit tools
- about / Edit tools
- Push/Pull tool / Edit tools
- Offset tool / Edit tools
- Move tool / Edit tools
- Rotate tool / Edit tools
- Scale tool / Edit tools
- elements
- adding, to textures / Adding extra elements to a texture
- entourage
- scene, framing with / Framing the scene with entourage
- about / Be the marketing exec
- selecting / Choosing entourage
- introducing stage / At which stage do I introduce entourage?
- acquisition strategy / What's my acquisition strategy?
- categories / 2D or not 2D, that is the question
- people cutouts, applications / People cutouts
- inserting / Step 5 – Inserting extra entourage
- entourage placeholders
- inserting / Inserting entourage placeholders
- Eraser tool
- about / Select and Erase
- exact texture placement
- about / Exact texture placement
- free pins mode / The free pins mode
- Extension Manager
- Ruby extension, installing via / The Extension Manager
- Extension Warehouse
- Ruby scripts, installing via / The Extension Warehouse
- about / Importing terrain data
- external renderer
- need for / Why use an external renderer?
- features / Geometry, Materials, Lighting, Artificial lighting
- advanced features / Advanced features
- eye
- used, for modeling buildings / Modeling by eye or measurements
- face-me capability
- about / Can I replace it with 2D?
- fake room
- setting up / Setting up a fake room
- fake room setup
- balsa wood film scenery props, creating / Creating balsa wood film scenery props
- features, external renderer
- geometry / Geometry
- materials / Materials
- lighting / Lighting, Artificial lighting
- features, roads / Roads
- features, Thea Render / Why use Thea Render?
- features, Thea Studio / Are you outgrowing Thea Render?
- file structure
- setting up, for project / Project file layout
- final video composition
- creating / Creating the final video composition
- Flickr
- about / Where to find texture photos
- Flightpath.rb plugin
- URL / The Flightpath animation
- Flightpath animation
- about / The Flightpath animation
- smooth transitions / Smooth transitions
- CameraControls, adding / Fine-tuning with CameraControls
- camera effects, adding to scene / Camera pan, roll, and tilt
- flow chart, texturing process / The texturing process flow chart
- Focus Blur / Simulating depth of field
- Follow-Me feature / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- free pins mode, exact texture placement / The free pins mode
- From photo / The texturing process flow chart
- From Scratch feature / Landscaping with sandbox – watch your polygon count
- functions, RoundCorner plugin
- round corner (for fillets) / The RoundCorner plugin
- sharp corner / The RoundCorner plugin
- bevel (for chamfers) / The RoundCorner plugin
- furniture
- selecting, for interior views / Furniture
- manufacturers' websites / Manufacturers' websites
- 3D Warehouse / The 3D Warehouse
- websites, for models / List of websites
- G'MIC plugin
- using / Using the G'MIC plugin
- geometry
- about / Geometry
- Getting Started toolbar, SketchUp interface
- about / The Getting Started toolbar
- navigation tools / Navigation
- Select tool / Select and Erase
- Eraser tool / Select and Erase
- drawing tools / Drawing tools
- Edit tools / Edit tools
- URL, for downloading / Grabbing a copy of GIMP
- perspective, correcting / Correcting perspective in GIMP
- about / Correcting perspective in GIMP
- textures, editing / Editing textures in GIMP
- setting up, for Dennis Technique / Setting up GIMP for the Dennis Technique
- layer masks, using in / Using layer masks in GIMP
- sky image, using in / Using a sky image in GIMP
- Pencil Sketch Technique, setting up / Setting up the Pencil Sketch Technique in GIMP
- pencil shading, creating in / Creating pencil shading in GIMP
- URL, for extensions project / Simulating depth of field
- light effects, adding in / Adding light effects in GIMP
- URL, for tutorials / Using paths to mask photos
- global illumination (GI) / Lighting
- Google Earth / Free, libre, or what?
- about / Importing terrain data
- Google Images
- about / Where to find texture photos
- Google Maps
- accessing, for textures / Traveling the world for real textures
- Google Street View
- used, for creating texture models / Using Google Street View
- groups
- about / Groups, Using components to increase productivity
- halo
- about / Checking for halos
- HandBrake
- used, for creating MP4 video / Creating an MP4 video with HandBrake
- Handbrake
- about / Becoming a movie-making genius...almost!, HandBrake
- URL / HandBrake
- harwoodpodcast / Further resources
- HDR images
- URL / Daylight
- healing
- about / Splitting and healing
- Hero Shots / Preparing SketchUp scenes for LayOut
- high-resolution version
- low-resolution, swapping with / Swapping _LR with _HR resolution versions
- High Definition (HD) / Animating with Thea
- high dynamic range (HDR) / Daylight
- High Polygon Count
- about / The specifity trap
- histogram
- about / Using the Levels dialog
- IES file
- about / Artificial lighting
- URL, for information / Artificial lighting
- image
- edges, fading out with vignette layer / Fading out the edges with a vignette
- image-based lighting (IBL)
- about / Daylight, Image-based lighting
- image-processing studio
- with GIMP / Image-processing studio with GIMP
- image-processing studio, with GIMP
- professional-level image processor, need for / Why do I need a professional-level image processor?
- copy, grabbing of GIMP / Grabbing a copy of GIMP
- image brightness
- adjusting, Levels dialog used / Adjusting the brightness balance
- image editor
- SketchUp, linking to / Telling SketchUp to link to an image editor
- immersive environment, with LumenRT
- about / Immersive environment with LumenRT
- scene, exporting / Exporting the scene
- LiveCube, navigating / Navigating the LiveCube
- images, exporting / Exporting images
- animation, creating / Creating an animation
- LiveCube, publishing / Publishing the LiveCube
- imported CAD data
- cleaning up / Cleaning up the imported CAD data
- individual color channels
- correcting / Correcting individual color channels
- individual frames
- saving, for animation / Saving individual frames for an animation
- individual timing
- adding, to scenes / Adding individual timing to scenes
- inferencing
- about / Inferencing
- initial test render
- performing / Step 2 – Performing an initial test render
- common import bugs / Common import bugs and how to rectify them
- clay rendering / Clay rendering
- installation, Ruby script / Old style Ruby scripts
- installation, Thea Studio / Installing Thea Studio
- instances
- about / Using components to increase productivity
- interior scenes
- realistic highlights, modeling for / Modeling for realistic highlights in interior scenes
- IRender
- about / Billboard scenery elements
- about / Exporting and printing
- Krono
- about / Where to find texture photos
- landscaped areas
- creating, sandbox tools used / Landscaping with sandbox – watch your polygon count
- layer masks
- about / Using layer masks in GIMP
- using, in GIMP / Using layer masks in GIMP
- using, for Dennis effect / Using layer masks for the Dennis effect
- layers
- about / Layers and visibility
- LayOut
- about / SketchUp Pro, LayOut, and Style Builder, Getting started with LayOut
- tools / Getting started with LayOut
- custom page border, creating / Creating a custom page border
- SketchUp models, displaying in / Displaying SketchUp models in LayOut
- SketchUp scenes, preparing for / Preparing SketchUp scenes for LayOut
- multiple views, creating in / Creating multiple views in LayOut
- annotations / Annotations in LayOut
- PDF document, exporting from / Exporting a PDF document from LayOut
- LayOut pages
- elements, adding for enhancement / Adding further elements to enhance LayOut pages
- Levels dialog
- used, for adjusting color channels / Using the Levels dialog
- used, for adjusting brightness of image / Adjusting the brightness balance
- library
- material, saving to / Saving a material to a library
- light-emitting materials
- about / Light-emitting materials
- adding, to scene / Adding light-emitting materials
- light bloom
- adding, to image / Adding light bloom
- light effects
- adding, in GIMP / Adding light effects in GIMP
- light emitting objects
- about / Step 3 – Assigning materials
- lighting
- about / Lighting
- daylight / Daylight
- artificial lighting / Artificial lighting, Artificial lighting
- defining / Step 4 – Defining lighting
- test scene, preparing / Preparing the test scene
- daylight, using / Using daylight
- Image-based lighting (IBL) / Image-based lighting
- sky settings, saving / Saving the sky settings
- light parameters, modifying / Changing the light parameters
- final indoor render / The final indoor render
- lighting effects
- about / Lighting effects
- lighting filters
- discovering / Discovering weird and wonderful lighting filters
- lighting levels
- about / Part 1 – tweaks and lighting levels
- adjusting, automatically / Adjusting levels automatically
- adjusting, manually / Adjusting levels manually
- light parameters
- modifying / Changing the light parameters
- Line tool
- about / Drawing tools
- LiveCube
- navigating / Navigating the LiveCube
- tools / LiveCube tools and settings
- settings / LiveCube tools and settings
- publishing / Publishing the LiveCube
- low-resolution
- swapping, with high-resolution version / Swapping _LR with _HR resolution versions
- low polygon
- about / What is low polygon?
- low polygon count
- cylinder, creating with / Can I reduce the number of segments in an arc or circle?
- low polygon modeling
- significance / So what's the big deal about low polygon modeling?
- real geometry details, replacing with 2D images / Can I replace it with 2D?
- segments, reducing in arc/circle / Can I reduce the number of segments in an arc or circle?
- low polygon modeling techniques
- about / Low polygon modeling techniques
- LumenRT
- immersive environment, creating with / Immersive environment with LumenRT
- URL, for downloading / Immersive environment with LumenRT
- LumenRT plugin
- using, in SketchUp / Using the LumenRT plugin in SketchUp
- LumenRT plugin, using in SketchUp
- materials, editing / Editing materials
- digital nature components, adding to scene / Adding digital nature components
- lights, adding / Adding lights
- main window, SketchUp interface
- about / The main window and pallets
- toolbars / Toolbars
- status bar / The status bar
- Value Control Box (VCB) / The Value Control Box
- manufacturers' websites, furniture / Manufacturers' websites
- mask render
- about / Alpha (mask) render
- using, for windows / Using a mask render for windows
- masonry features
- about / Masonry features
- massing
- about / Fleshing out your site plan
- Match Photo / The texturing process flow chart
- material
- saving, to library / Saving a material to a library
- materials
- about / Materials
- assigning / Step 3 – Assigning materials
- predefined materials, applying / Applying predefined materials
- light-emitting materials / Light-emitting materials
- one-sided materials / One-sided materials
- summarizing / Summary on materials
- modifying, with Colimo / Changing materials with Colimo
- editing / Editing materials
- measurements
- used, for modeling buildings / Modeling by eye or measurements
- model
- view, aligning to / Aligning the view to the model
- modelling
- about / How to begin with the end in mind
- Move tool / Edit tools
- movie
- editing / Editing a movie
- MP4 video
- creating, with HandBrake / Creating an MP4 video with HandBrake
- multiple images
- compositing / Part 2 – compositing multiple images
- multiple views
- creating, in LayOut / Creating multiple views in LayOut
- native output, SketchUp
- about / SketchUp's native output
- natural lighting
- about / Daylight
- navigation tools
- about / Navigation
- Orbit tool / Orbit
- Pan tool / Pan
- Zoom tool / Zoom
- Zoom Extents tool / Zoom
- non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) / Deciding to use textures
- non photorealistic rendering
- about / People cutouts
- nonphotoreal visuals
- about / Curtain walls
- notice hierarchy
- about / The notice hierarchy
- scene, supporting / Supporting the scene
- Offset tool / Edit tools
- old style Ruby scripts / Old style Ruby scripts
- one-sided materials
- about / One-sided materials
- online streaming services
- compressing for / Compressing for online streaming services
- Orbit tool
- about / Orbit
- Outliner view
- using / Using the Outliner for easy access
- output quality
- modifying / Export to print
- paint bucket tool
- about / Timber flooring material
- pallets, SketchUp interface
- about / The main window and pallets
- pallet windows / Pallet windows
- pallet windows
- about / Pallet windows
- Pan tool
- about / Pan
- paper-drawn sketch
- appearance, enhancing / Finishing touches
- parallel projection
- about / Orthographic and parallel projection
- paths
- used, for masking photos / Using paths to mask photos
- about / Exporting and printing
- PDF document
- exporting, from LayOut / Exporting a PDF document from LayOut
- pencil-sketch technique
- setting up, in SketchUp / Setting up the Pencil Sketch Technique in SketchUp
- pencil shading
- creating, in GIMP / Creating pencil shading in GIMP
- Pencil Sketch Technique
- setting up, in GIMP / Setting up the Pencil Sketch Technique in GIMP
- pen tablet / Why do I need a professional-level image processor?
- people cutouts
- about / People cutouts
- perspective foreshortening
- about / Setting up a Match Photo scene
- perspective projection
- about / Orthographic and parallel projection
- Perspective Tool / Correcting perspective in GIMP
- PhotoComiX smoothing filter / Using the G'MIC plugin
- photograph
- buildings, modeling from / Modeling from a photograph
- photographs
- whole photographs, applying as textures / Applying whole photographs as textures
- photo hunt
- tips / Where to find texture photos
- PhotoMatch
- about / Setting up an arch-viz scene, What you need from a Match Photo image
- site photo, using with / Using a site photo with Match Photo
- PhotoMatch image
- requisites / What you need from a Match Photo image
- photographs, considerations / What you need from a Match Photo image
- 3D drawing, in 2D photo / 3D drawing in a 2D photo
- perspective setup, testing / 3D drawing in a 2D photo
- PhotoMatch scene
- setting up / Setting up a Match Photo scene
- PhotoMatch textures
- starting with / Starting with Match Photo textures
- photo modeling process
- textures, using from / Using textures from the photo modeling process
- photorealistic rendering
- preparing for / Preparing for photorealistic rendering
- photorealistic rendering software
- requisites features / What should I look for in a renderer?
- photoreal rendering
- about / People cutouts
- setting up for / Setting up for photoreal rendering
- photoreal visuals
- about / Curtain walls
- photos
- masking, paths used / Using paths to mask photos
- physical sky model / Daylight
- piano scene example
- about / Part 1 – tweaks and lighting levels
- imperfections, distracting from realism / Part 1 – tweaks and lighting levels
- Plan View / Preparing SketchUp scenes for LayOut
- Plugin Store
- about / Importing terrain data
- about / Exporting and printing
- point lights
- about / Point lights
- polished metals
- about / Step 3 – Assigning materials
- Polygon tool
- about / Drawing tools
- post-production rendering
- depth render / Advanced features, Depth render
- transparency / Advanced features
- about / Step 7 – Postproduction rendering
- alpha (mask) render / Alpha (mask) render
- PowerPoint
- about / Slideshows and presentations
- presentation
- creating / Creating a presentation
- production rendering
- about / Step 6 – Production rendering
- test production render / Test production render
- render time, reducing / Reducing the render time
- final render / The final render
- final image, saving / Saving the final image
- productivity
- increasing, components used / Using components to increase productivity
- professional-level image processor
- need for / Why do I need a professional-level image processor?
- progress window / Setting up a CAD site plan
- project
- file structure, setting up for / Project file layout
- project file layout
- about / Project file layout
- Push/Pull tool / Edit tools
- raw animated output, SketchUp / Why can't I just use the output from SketchUp?
- real-world location
- setting up / Setting up a real-world location and the Sun's position
- real geometry details
- replacing, with 2D images / Can I replace it with 2D?
- realistic highlights
- modeling for / Modeling for realistic highlights in interior scenes
- sharp edges, issues / What's the problem with sharp edges?
- Rectangle tool
- about / Drawing tools
- Relight animation
- creating / Creating a Relight animation
- Relight feature
- using / Using Relight
- rendering process
- about / Rendering process
- Render Plus
- about / Want an automatic veggie maker?
- render time
- reducing / Reducing the render time
- requisites features, photorealistic rendering software
- about / What should I look for in a renderer?
- rendering quality / Rendering quality
- interoperability, with SketchUp / Interoperability with SketchUp
- training / Training and support
- support / Training and support
- considerations / Other considerations
- resources, texture photos
- Flickr / Where to find texture photos
- Google Images / Where to find texture photos
- Krono / Where to find texture photos
- architectural websites / Where to find texture photos
- ridge tiles
- about / Modeling ridge tiles
- modeling / Modeling ridge tiles
- roads
- about / Roads
- features / Roads
- lowering, in scene / Realistic roads and pavements
- edging feature, adding / Realistic roads and pavements
- roofs
- about / Roof
- room
- modeling / Modeling the room
- Rotate tool / Edit tools
- roughness setting / Materials
- rough placeholders / Rough placeholders
- round corner (for fillets) function / The RoundCorner plugin
- RoundCorner plugin
- about / The RoundCorner plugin
- functions / The RoundCorner plugin
- RPTree Maker
- about / Want an automatic veggie maker?
- Ruby API
- about / Unlimited upgrades – Ruby plugins
- Ruby extension
- installing, via Extension Manager / The Extension Manager
- Ruby plugins
- about / Unlimited upgrades – Ruby plugins
- Ruby script
- installing / Old style Ruby scripts
- Ruby scripts
- installing, via Extension Warehouse / The Extension Warehouse
- *.scn.thea file
- exporting, steps / Exporting to Thea Studio
- 4sketchupgo2school / Further resources
- sandbox tools
- used, for creating landscaped areas / Landscaping with sandbox – watch your polygon count
- Sandbox Tools / Importing terrain data
- Scale tool / Edit tools
- scene
- framing, with entourage / Framing the scene with entourage
- opening, in Thea Studio / Exporting to Thea Studio
- scene, framing with entourage
- specifity trap / The specifity trap
- rough placeholders / Rough placeholders
- entourage placeholders, inserting / Inserting entourage placeholders
- test view, printing / Printing a test view
- scenes
- individual timing, adding to / Adding individual timing to scenes
- scene tabs
- exporting / Exporting the scene tabs
- scrapbook
- about / Annotations in LayOut
- scrapbooks
- using / Using scrapbooks
- editing / Using scrapbooks
- seamless textures
- creating / Creating your own seamless textures
- perspective, correcting in GIMP / Correcting perspective in GIMP
- tiling, via automatic filter / Tiling via an automatic filter
- tiling method / Tiling method two
- texture, importing into SketchUp / Importing a texture into SketchUp
- material, saving to library / Saving a material to a library
- Sectional Views / Preparing SketchUp scenes for LayOut
- Selective Gaussian Blur / Removing unwanted image noise
- Select tool
- about / Select and Erase
- sharp corner function / The RoundCorner plugin
- sharp edges
- issues / What's the problem with sharp edges?
- simple walkthrough
- creating / Creating a simple walkthrough
- site photo
- using, with PhotoMatch / Using a site photo with Match Photo
- site plan
- elaborating / Fleshing out your site plan
- sketches
- creating / The storyboard
- sketch plan / Sketch plan
- SketchUcation Plugin Store / The Extension Manager
- SketchUp
- URL, for quick reference cards / Select and Erase
- resources, for skills improvement / Further resources
- URL, for downloading / Trimble SketchUp
- raw animated output / Why can't I just use the output from SketchUp?
- about / Setting up an arch-viz scene
- URL, for training videos / Carving out the detail
- buildings, modeling / Modeling buildings in SketchUp
- textures, applying / Applying SketchUp's own textures
- Google Maps, accessing for textures / Traveling the world for real textures
- texture, importing into / Importing a texture into SketchUp
- linking, to image editor / Telling SketchUp to link to an image editor
- native output / SketchUp's native output
- built-in styles, editing / Editing SketchUp's built-in styles
- 2D images, saving in / Saving 2D images in SketchUp
- Dennis Technique, setting up in / Setting up the Dennis Technique in SketchUp
- pencil-sketch technique, setting up / Setting up the Pencil Sketch Technique in SketchUp
- Thea materials, importing to / Importing Thea materials to SketchUp
- spotlights, creating in / Creating Spotlights in SketchUp
- window reflections, without rendering / SketchUp window reflections without rendering
- animation, creating in / Animating in SketchUp
- high-resolution animation / High-resolution animation from SketchUp
- LumenRT plugin, using in / Using the LumenRT plugin in SketchUp
- SketchUp, and Thea rendering process
- steps / Rendering process
- SketchUp model, preparing / Step 1 – Preparing the SketchUp model
- initial test render, performing / Step 2 – Performing an initial test render
- materials, assigning / Step 3 – Assigning materials
- lighting, defining / Step 4 – Defining lighting
- extra entourage, inserting / Step 5 – Inserting extra entourage
- production rendering / Step 6 – Production rendering
- post-production rendering / Step 7 – Postproduction rendering
- SketchUp 3D view
- displaying / Display a SketchUp 3D view
- SketchUp 2014
- edition, selecting / SketchUp Pro, LayOut, and Style Builder
- SketchUp Concepts Guide page
- URL / Further resources
- SketchUp interface
- about / The SketchUp interface
- main window / The main window and pallets
- pallets / The main window and pallets
- Getting Started toolbar / The Getting Started toolbar
- core concepts / Splitting and healing
- SketchUp materials
- applying / Applying SketchUp materials
- timber flooring material / Timber flooring material
- enhancing / Enhancing SketchUp materials
- SketchUp model
- preparing / Step 1 – Preparing the SketchUp model
- SketchUp models
- displaying, in LayOut / Displaying SketchUp models in LayOut
- display style, adjusting / Adjusting the display style
- SketchUp output
- final composition, modifying with / Modifying the final composition with new SketchUp output
- SketchUp plugin
- Thea, installing for / Installing the Thea for SketchUp plugin
- SketchUp Pro
- about / SketchUp Pro, LayOut, and Style Builder
- additional import format / SketchUp Pro, LayOut, and Style Builder
- additional 2D-export formats / SketchUp Pro, LayOut, and Style Builder
- additional 3D-export formats / SketchUp Pro, LayOut, and Style Builder, The 3D Warehouse
- SketchUp scene
- preparing / Preparing the SketchUp scene
- SketchUp scenes
- preparing, for LayOut / Preparing SketchUp scenes for LayOut
- view, aligning to model / Aligning the view to the model
- SketchUp sections
- displaying / Displaying SketchUp sections
- section line work, creating / Creating section line work
- SketchUp styles
- using / Using SketchUp styles
- SketchUp User's Guide page
- URL / Further resources
- Sketchy Charcoal style / Lines only
- sketchy pencil technique
- about / Richard's sketchy pencil technique
- sky image
- using, in GIMP / Using a sky image in GIMP
- sky settings
- saving / Saving the sky settings
- Smart IBL (sIBL)
- about / Image-based lighting
- URL / Image-based lighting
- working / How Smart IBL works
- smooth transitions, Flightpath animation / Smooth transitions
- specifity trap
- about / The specifity trap
- specularity setting / Materials
- specular materials
- about / Step 3 – Assigning materials
- splitting
- about / Splitting and healing
- spotlights
- creating, in SketchUp / Creating Spotlights in SketchUp
- about / Preparing the SketchUp scene
- stage designers
- visual tricks, for saving time / Think like a film set designer
- status bar
- about / The status bar
- still images
- animation, creating from / Creating an animation from still images
- stills
- principles / Using the same principles for stills and animation
- storyboard
- generating / Generating the storyboard
- about / The storyboard
- striplight
- about / Preparing the SketchUp scene
- Style Builder
- about / SketchUp Pro, LayOut, and Style Builder
- subsurface scattering (SSS)
- about / Materials
- Sun's position
- setting up / Setting up a real-world location and the Sun's position
- time, setting for shadows / Setting up the time and date for shadows
- date, setting for shadows / Setting up the time and date for shadows
- sun view
- setting up / Setting up the sun
- surfaces
- unique textures, creating for / Making unique textures for surfaces
- tape measure tool / Modeling by eye or measurements
- terrain data
- importing / Importing terrain data
- test production render
- about / Test production render
- texture models
- creating, Google Street View used / Using Google Street View
- texture photos
- resources / Where to find texture photos
- textures
- about / Importing terrain data
- creating, ways / Beginning with basic photo textures
- using, from photo modeling process / Using textures from the photo modeling process
- basic seamless textures, using / Using basic seamless textures
- scaling / Scaling textures
- coloring / Coloring textures
- whole photographs, applying as / Applying whole photographs as textures
- manipulating / Manipulating textures
- importing, into SketchUp / Importing a texture into SketchUp
- modifying, for added realism / Modifying textures for added realism
- unique textures, creating for surfaces / Making unique textures for surfaces
- editing, in GIMP / Editing textures in GIMP
- variation, applying with GIMP / Adding some muck and variation
- extra elements, adding to / Adding extra elements to a texture
- extra detail, adding / Adding extra detail
- texturing
- benefits / Deciding to use textures
- texturing process
- flow chart / The texturing process flow chart
- Thea
- installing, for SketchUp plugin / Installing the Thea for SketchUp plugin
- daylight settings, adjusting in / Adjusting the daylight settings in Thea
- used, for animation / Animating with Thea
- Thea, for SketchUp interface
- about / Thea for SketchUp interface
- Thea Tool window / The Thea Tool window
- Thea Rendering Window / The Thea Rendering Window
- Thea materials
- making available, in SketchUp / Downloading bonus content
- importing, to SketchUp / Importing Thea materials to SketchUp
- Thea Relight
- animation, lighting with / Lighting animation with Thea Relight
- Thea Render
- about / Thea Render
- features / Why use Thea Render?
- URL / Installing Thea Studio
- additional materials, downloading / Downloading bonus content
- functionality / Are you outgrowing Thea Render?
- Thea Rendering Window
- about / The Thea Rendering Window
- Thea Studio
- installing / Installing Thea Studio
- scene, opening / Exporting to Thea Studio
- features / Are you outgrowing Thea Render?
- Thea Tool window
- about / The Thea Tool window
- tileable textures
- using / Using, finding, and creating tileable textures
- finding / Using, finding, and creating tileable textures
- creating / Using, finding, and creating tileable textures
- tiles
- copying, steps / Copying the tiles
- timber flooring material
- about / Timber flooring material
- toolbars
- about / Toolbars
- Traditional Elevations / Preparing SketchUp scenes for LayOut
- translucent materials
- about / Step 3 – Assigning materials
- transparent materials
- about / Step 3 – Assigning materials
- Trimble
- about / Free, libre, or what?
- Trimble SketchUp
- about / Trimble SketchUp
- using, options / Trimble SketchUp
- 3D Warehouse / The 3D Warehouse
- Ruby plugins / Unlimited upgrades – Ruby plugins
- unbiased rendering process
- about / Saving the image
- uncanny valley / 3D people and the uncanny valley
- unwanted image noise
- removing / Removing unwanted image noise
- Value Control Box (VCB) / The Value Control Box, Changing the field of view
- vegetation
- about / Vegetation
- non photoreal sketchy trees / Non-photoreal sketchy trees
- automatic veggie maker / Want an automatic veggie maker?
- vehicles
- about / Vehicles
- video
- exporting / Exporting a video
- video sequences
- authoring / Authoring video sequences
- video sequences, authoring
- high-resolution animation, from SketchUp / High-resolution animation from SketchUp
- individual frames, saving for animation / Saving individual frames for an animation
- animation, with Thea / Animating with Thea
- view
- setting up / Setting up the view
- aligning, to model / Aligning the view to the model
- viewpoints
- about / Interesting details and viewpoints
- viewport
- about / Display a SketchUp 3D view
- viewports
- arranging / Arranging the viewports
- vignette layer
- creating / Creating a vignette layer
- used, for finishing image / Using a vignette layer to finish the image
- Vimeo / Becoming a movie-making genius...almost!
- VirtualDub
- about / Becoming a movie-making genius...almost!, VirtualDub, Compositing in VirtualDub
- URL, for latest stable release / VirtualDub
- virtual light switch
- creating / Changing the light parameters
- visibility
- about / Layers and visibility
- visuals
- sketching / Sketch out your visuals
- Vue
- about / Want an automatic veggie maker?
- Walkthrough tools / Creating a simple walkthrough
- white board capture feature / Correcting perspective in GIMP
- window
- modeling / Modeling the window
- window modeling
- painting, with digital photos / Painting with digital photos
- test rendering, performing / Doing a test rendering
- SketchUp materials, enhancing / Enhancing SketchUp materials
- rendered image, saving / Saving the image
- windows
- mask render, using for / Using a mask render for windows
- YouTube / Becoming a movie-making genius...almost!
- Zoom Extents tool
- about / Zoom
- Zoom tool
- about / Zoom