In this chapter, we created a laptop stand to use to elevate a laptop on a desk. We used the graphics program Inkscape to design the basic frame for our laptop stand. We then imported the Inkscape file into OpenSCAD, where we shelled it out using the shell2D
operation before extruding it into a 3D shape.
We modified the frame by adding circles, which provided a place for screw holes for threaded rods. The threaded rods were designed in two pieces and were assembled with connector plates using M3 10 mm bolts. We made use of readily available M10 nuts to finish the construction of our laptop stand.
The main takeaway from this chapter is the use of 3D printing with traditional building techniques to make objects. Although we could've 3D printed threads for the connector plates and 3D printed M10 nuts, using a 3 mm tap and standard M10 nuts is far more effective.
In the next chapter, we will continue learning OpenSCAD as we design and 3D print a model rocket.