Dialogs are a powerful way to interact with the user when you want to show information or ask them to make a choice as part of the application flow. To do that, first, you import the types:
import { Dialog, DialogType, DialogFooter } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Dialog';
Then, you can define a button that shows the dialog and the actual dialog:
<DefaultButton onClick={this._showDialog.bind(this)}>Show Dialog</DefaultButton> <Dialog isOpen={this.state.showDialog} type={DialogType.normal} onDismiss={this._closeDialog.bind(this)} title="My Dialog Title" subText="Some more text here." isBlocking={false} containerClassName={styles.container}> <DialogFooter> <PrimaryButton onClick={ this._closeDialog.bind(this) }>OK</PrimaryButton> </DialogFooter> </Dialog>
We control the appearance of dialog through this.state.showDialog property. The buttons alter the component state...