Exporting to SWF, PPT, PDF, and other file types
After developing a visual model in SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards, we will need to somehow share it with users. We want to put it into a format that everyone can see on their machines. The simplest way is to export it to a standard SWF file.
One of the great features SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards has is the ability to embed dashboards into different Microsoft Office file formats. For example, a presenter could have an MS PowerPoint deck, and in the middle of the presentation, have a working dashboard that presents an important set of data values to the audience. Another example could be an executive level user who is viewing an MS Word document created by an analyst. The analyst could create a written document in MS Word and then embed a working dashboard with the most updated data to present important data values to the executive level user.
You can choose to embed a dashboard in the following file types:
MS PowerPoint (.pptx)
MS Word (.docx...