Before I start going into more depth on data dependencies and mutations, I think it makes sense for me to throw some general Relay and GraphQL terminology definitions out there:
- Apollo: The complete industry-standard solution to implement GraphQL in any application.
- Apollo Client: A library that manages application data fetching and data mutations and provides higher-order components that feed data to our application components. Also, it comes with React Hooks support and caching out of the box.
- GraphQL: A query language used to specify data requirements and data mutations.
- Query: A part of a data dependency, expressed in GraphQL syntax and executed by an encapsulated Relay mechanism.
- Fragment: A part of a larger GraphQL query.
- Mutation: A special type of GraphQL query that changes the state of some remote resource. Apollo Client has to figure out how to reflect this change in the frontend once it completes.
- Subscription: A GraphQL type used for real-time events between...