The description of the FindDate function is as follows:
- Calling parameters (SearchString (text, length 3), Calendar (date table), PeriodType (option, integer))
- Returns DateFound Boolean
The calling syntax for the FindDate function is as follows:
BooleanVariable := FindDate(SearchString,CalendarRec,PeriodType)
This function is often used in pages to assist with date calculation. The purpose of this function is to find a date in the virtual Date table based on the parameters that are passed. The search starts with an initial record in the Calendar table. If we pass in a record that has already been initialized by positioning the table at a date, that will be the base date; otherwise, the Work Date will be used.
The PeriodType is an options field with the option value choices of day, week, month, quarter, year, and accounting period. For ease of coding, we could call the function with the integer equivalent (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), or set up our own equivalent Option variable...