The Develop persona
The Develop persona is the persona that photographers use to develop their RAW files and is located in the top left-hand corner of the interface. If you shoot in RAW format, then working in this persona is the first step in the workflow because the act of developing a RAW file into something we can work with within Affinity destroys the image. Only in V2 of the Affinity software did they add the functionality to switch between a RAW image that had been “developed” and allow it to be turned into the raw version to be edited later. So, for me, RAW image development happens at the beginning as a preparatory step before the image can be moved into the normal photo workflow.
On the subject of developing, this is the official term for finalizing an image in RAW and converting it (compressing it) into the Photo persona. So, in the Develop persona, you will see a button called Develop; this is what that word means in this context.
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