Synchronous Replication
The default replication type in active geo-replication is asynchronous. However, if the application needs to have synchronous replication, then you can do so by calling sp_wait_for_database_copy_sync immediately after committing a transaction. This will block the calling thread until all of the committed transactions have been replicated to the secondary.
The procedure can add significant delay to the calling thread if the size of the transaction log is being replicated. It's advised to use this procedure to prevent the loss of critical data only, not all data.
Auto-Failover Groups
Auto-failover groups allow you to automatically recover one or more groups of SQL databases in the event of a region failure. All databases in an auto-failover group should belong to a single server, and they will fail over to a single server as well.
Auto-failover group terms
- Failover group: A group of databases between the primary server and the secondary server, which are to be...