Chapter 4
- Spoofing, tampering, repudiation, information leak, Denial of Service, escalation of privilege.
- From a risk standpoint, it is meant to identify the threats that are the most relevant to the product and test them. From a practical point of view, it allows the client to decide where to spend the testing budget in a way that covers the most important risks and helps us prioritize test scenarios.
- Who, What, Where, Why, and How.
- Yes and no; it depends on the following:
a. The color of the approach (black, gray, or white) since that gives you a leg up compared to a more capable adversary.
b. The time budget available. Being honest to your client and saying that you need more time because this specific test requires more effort is usually a reasonable way to go about this.
- This is very important because problems WILL be found, in the system itself or in the components it relies on. From an impact perspective, if the system producer cannot patch a vulnerability...