Exploring pynautobot
pynautobot is the recommended method for interacting with Nautobot data when using Python. It is a Python Software Development Kit (SDK) library for providing object-oriented access to the Nautobot REST API and the capability to make queries against the GraphQL API endpoint discussed in Chapter 8. pynautobot is a wrapper on the Python Requests library (https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), which is one of the leading Python libraries for interacting with REST-based APIs. This is the fundamental building block for many other Python applications and may help you with your Nautobot-based pipelines.
If you are looking to build Python scripts or applications working with Nautobot’s API, you should be looking to use pynautobot to handle interactions with Nautobot. It will greatly accelerate development—it has predefined patterns for communicating with every API, and it also includes built-in error handling.
Installing pynautobot
The installation...