Working with Moodle Admin Tools
Moodle ships with several administration tools that have not been allocated to a particular topic; some are not even directly accessible via the familiar admin web interface.
Figure 17.1 – Moodle admin tools
We have grouped the admin tools into the following categories, each presented in a separate section:
- Site admin presets: Presets allow you to create backups of site settings that can be rolled back in case something goes wrong.
- Database tools: These tools let you apply specific database actions. In addition to the tools part of Moodle core, we will cover a useful external tool called Adminer that lets you manage the underlying database directly from within Moodle.
- Command Line Interface (CLI): The CLI is a built-in mechanism that allows us to automate administrative processes via the command line or shell scripts.
- Moosh: A powerful alternative to the CLI, Moosh is the third-party Moodle Shell....