Configuring Spring Boot Actuator metrics
In this recipe, we will learn how to configure the geolocation project to expose some predefined metrics exposed by the Spring framework itself. Though you might not use all of them, it is always better to know that they exist so that you can find some use for them in the future. In fact, most of the metrics exposed by Spring are modifiable. On top of it, Spring adds security to them so that not everyone can view your metrics. These are some of the advantages that you get when you use Spring's metrics framework.
Getting ready
We will go through this recipe with the help of the geolocation project. We will be using the Spring Boot Actuator library to expose the metrics. So open your STS IDE. Before we jump into the actual implementation, we have to comment out a few lines of code. If you have been working on the Setting up Consul using Docker recipe from Chapter 5 , Service Discovery and Load Balancing Microservices, you might still have the Zookeeper...