In this chapter, we will learn how to use one more third-party toolkit, seaborn, with the recipes that plot the following types of graphs:
- Relational plots (sns.relplot):
- Line plots (sns.lineplot)
- Scatter plots (sns.scatterplot)
- Categorical plots (sns.catplot):
- Strip and swarm plots (sns.stripplot, sns.swarmplot)
- Box and boxn plots (sns.boxplot, sns.boxnplot)
- Bar and count plots (sns.barplot, sns.countplot)
- Violin plots (sns.violinplot)
- Point plots (sns.pointplot)
- Distribution plots:
- Distribution, Kernel Density Estimate (KDE), and rug plots (sns.distplot, sns.kdeplot, sns.rugplot)
- Regression plots:
- Regression plots and residual plots (sns.regplot, sns.residplot)
- Lm plots (sns.lmplot)
- Multi-plot grids:
- Joint plots and joint grid plots (sns.jointplot, sns.JointGrid)
- Pair Plots and pair grid plots (sns.pairplot, sns...