Classic exception handling
As was mentioned in the introduction, when working with the SAP system, it is rather inevitable to find some old code, and it was most likely created with classic exceptions. Although it is not recommended, and even discouraged, to use them on a regular basis in a new development, there are still several cases where it is the only way to communicate and handle the unexpected behavior of the program.
Prior to the introduction of class-based, object-oriented programming in SAP systems, one of the methods of code modularization was function modules. The reusable code components with a particular task to do were wrapped into pretty simple function calls, and the modules were bundled into function groups. The function modules—despite the fact that they were mostly superseded by the classes and methods—are still necessary when using Remote Function Call (RFCs).
Even if the code is well thought out and well written, it is still necessary to ensure that the system...