Being clever with audio
Hopefully by this stage you have a great understanding of how to get sound into your Prezi, and of course what the limitations on the software might be. But how is this going to make your presentations better and more memorable? A few ways that sound can be used in your Prezi are discussed in this chapter.
If you are part of a large global organization or if you have an international customer base then you might decide to build a Prezi that can be embedded into your company website for colleagues and customers to explore on their own.
The obvious way to use sound here would be to have some nice background music that plays throughout, and have any text displayed in several different languages. The problem with that is that you'll end up with lots and lots of text in your Prezi which doesn't make for nice viewing.
A Prezi Master would use hardly any text at all and let their Prezi do the talking for them by inserting separate audio translations that the user...