Discovering Metasploit modules
As mentioned, the Metasploit framework consists of different kinds of modules, the modules help the penetration tester in making his exploit modular. The following are the important modules from our point of view:

Auxiliary module: The auxiliary modules are built-in scripts that perform various types of scanning, fuzzing, and whatnot. However, these scripts never return a shell when they run. The major purpose of this module is to give the penetration tester a wide array of scripts that can help penetrate the target efficiently. For example, the
auxiliary module will perform a basic level of information gathering on a given MySQL server.Exploit module: Perhaps, the exploit module is the most exciting part of the framework for a newcomer. The exploit module contains various scripts that contain code to exploit a vulnerability and return back a shell. The exploit module has tons of such scripts which exploit popular vulnerabilities in a wide set of...