Technical requirements
For this chapter, we’ll need roughly the same tools as we used in Chapter 2, Project Introduction: What We’ll Work on and First Tasks:
- A browser, preferably Chromium-based, such as Google Chrome, Brave, or Vivaldi, but Firefox or Apple Safari works, too.
- A browser that currently supports subgrids. We can check which browsers support subgrids on Caniuse:
- An integrated development environment (IDE) or text editor, such as WebStorm, VS Code, or VIM, with HTML and CSS syntax highlighting.
- Internet access is necessary to access the code.
- Git (optional, we can also download the folder from GitHub).
- Node.js with at least version 14, and npm with at least version 6.
If Node.js is not currently installed on your system, or you’ve got the wrong version, nvm (the Node Version Manager) is a fantastic tool to handle different Node.js versions on one system.
All the code for this...