Printing and saving to PDF
Like all applications on OS X, Aperture can create a PDF file directly from the print dialog box. This can be useful in several ways, from sending proofs to a client with metadata and notes printed below the image, to creating digital contact sheets, or for sending multiple image layouts to another computer to be printed.
It may not be immediately obvious where these controls are, however, as they are not located directly in the Aperture print dialog box. This is because Aperture's print process is actually two staged, and when you click on print in the print dialog, you will then be taken to your printer's default print window where you can then select the PDF options. The following is a breakdown of how to get to this option in detail:
Select your image or images.
From the menu choose File | Print or press command + P.
This will bring up the Aperture Print dialog. Set up your print in whatever way you choose.
Click on the Print button.
This will bring you to the standard...