Login failures report
It is important to know about failed attempts to log in to the DC, not just the successful attempts. These can be a result of potentially malicious activity.
The following script will create a report to indicate the login failures on a given domain controller:
## Report for DC login Failures ##
$failedevent = $null
$Date= Get-date
$dc = Read-Host 'What is the Domain Controller ?'
$Report= "C:\auditreport.html"
<title>Failed Login Report for $dc</title>
BODY{background-color :LightBlue}
$failedevent = Get-Eventlog security -Computer $dc -InstanceId 4625 -After (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) |
Select TimeGenerated,ReplacementStrings |
% {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
SourceComputer = $_.ReplacementStrings[13]
UserName = $_.ReplacementStrings[5]
SourceIPAddress = $_.ReplacementStrings[19]
Date = $_.TimeGenerated
$failedevent | ConvertTo-Html...