Submitting and locking pages
This is a basic recipe that can be used with nearly all of the other recipes in this chapter, if you choose. The primary focus of this chapter is the assessment of portfolios, that is, setting up a method for the submission of locked portfolios that you can easily access and assess.
The submission of pages can only be done through a course group, which is a certain type of group. (This is not the same as providing page access to a group). This method allows a teacher easy access to a page, while ensuring that the portfolio page will only be seen by teachers and tutors. And, it locks the page (we'll discuss this later). Because these features require the creation of a course group, this particular recipe could have been included in the chapter on groups. You may wish to review that chapter.
This recipe contains two parts: one that has been written for the instructor, and one for the students. Each has its own set of instructions.
How to do it...
For the instructor...