Setting up reference images
Whenever you’re creating a new 3D model, you need reference images or art. Reference art can be anything – from a crude sketch to a real photograph.
Reference art simply gives you an idea of what you’re making. If you have an actual shape to follow, a guideline to make your model, it’ll turn out a lot better. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t make new things up as you go along (which I do all the time). It just means that you need to start with a clear idea of what it is you’re going to be creating.
Your reference can be anything at all. Photos work great, but if it’s something you can’t get a picture of, a simple sketch will help you work out what it’s generally supposed to look like. Let’s learn how to use sketches in the next section.
For the mushroom, you’ll just use a simple sketch. Feel free to look up some additional references if you need a better idea...