Chapter 7: Working with R, Python, Scala, .NET, and Spark SQL in Azure Synapse
Azure Synapse gives you the freedom to query data on your terms, by using either serverless on-demand or provisioned resources—at scale. You can query data directly in the Synapse notebook using PySpark, Spark (Scala), Spark SQL, or .NET for Apache Spark (C#).
Azure Synapse Studio notebooks support four languages. You can set the primary language in a notebook, as seen in the following screenshot; however, you can use multiple languages in the same notebook by using the correct language magic command at the beginning of a cell:

Figure 7.1 – A screenshot of a Synapse notebook highlighting various supported languages
In this chapter, we are going to pick a couple of examples from the sample gallery provided within the Synapse workspace, to understand how to use different languages in a Synapse notebook. This chapter outlines the use of sample data and scripts...