By definition, an enumeration type is a set, or collection, of named constants that belong to the same variable. These are useful when you want a collection of different values, but with the added benefit of them all being of the same parent type.
It's easier to show rather than tell with enumerations, so let's take a look at their syntax in the following code snippet:
enum PlayerAction { Attack, Defend, Flee };
Let's break down how this works, as follows:
- The enum keyword declares the type followed by the variable name.
- The different values an enum can have are written inside curly brackets, separated by a comma (except for the last item).
- The enum has to end with a semicolon, just like all other data types we've worked with.
To declare an enumeration variable, we use the following syntax:
PlayerAction currentAction = PlayerAction.Defend;
Again, we can break this down, as follows:
- The type is set as PlayerAction.
- The variable...