The Indices tab is used to edit settings related to the index. Within this tab, you can configure/add an index pattern, set any index as default, and remove the index pattern. You can also view information related to every field and edit the field properties.
Configuring an index pattern
Indices is the default tab that opens whenever you start Kibana or click on the Settings page. As Elasticsearch uses an index to process data, it remains the most important component, without which we cannot analyze data, create visualizations, or build dashboards. Index is the heart of Elasticsearch and Kibana.
It displays the following information when opened:

By default, an index contains time-based events that are ticked. If your data does not contain any time-based event, then you can uncheck the checkbox in order to configure an index.
If your index does not contain the time-stamped field, then uncheck the Index contains the time-based events option to add index to Kibana. When viewing the...