// MARK syntax
using 374
.plist file 297
data, reading with data manager class 300, 301
annotations 340
adding, to map view 352
creating 340, 341
DataManager protocol, creating 348-350
ExploreDataManager class, refactoring 351
MapDataManager class, creating 346-348
MapDataManager class, refactoring 350, 351
RestaurantItem class, creating 341-346
data, using from JSON files 387
device type, identifying 534
making, run on iOS devices 532-534
making, to work on macOS 547-552
submitting, to App Store 623
testing 638
testing, externally 640-644
testing, internally 638- 640
updating, with async/await 107-110
App ID
registering 617, 618
Apple Developer account 612, 613
App ID, registering 617, 618
certificate signing request (CSR), generating 613-615
development certificate, creating 615
development certificates, creating 615-617
devices, registering...