What this book covers
Chapter 1, Creating Our First App with Ionic 2, introduces the Ionic 2 framework with instructions on how to set up the development environment and quickly create and run your first app.
Chapter 2, Adding Ionic 2 Components, walks you through some examples of how to manage pages, states, and the overall navigation within the app.
Chapter 3, Extending Ionic 2 with Angular 2 Building Blocks, takes a deep dive into the AngularJS components, directives, and the customization of pipes. You will learn how to leverage the Ionic 2 module architecture to create shared services.
Chapter 4, Validating Forms and Making HTTP Requests, explains how to create a complex form with input validation, retrieve data via REST API calls, and integrate with Stripe for online payment.
Chapter 5, Adding Animation, provides instructions on how to embed a video as background, create a physics-based CSS animation, and bind gestures to the animation state.
Chapter 6, User Authentication and Push Notification Using Ionic Cloud, takes a deep dive into registering and authenticating users using Ionic Cloud and sending and receiving push notifications.
Chapter 7, Supporting Device Functionalities Using Ionic Native, explains how to use Ionic Native to access native device functionalities, such as camera, social sharing, InAppBrowser, and map.
Chapter 8, Theming the App, provides instructions on how to customize the app for different platforms using Sass variables.
Chapter 9, Publishing the App for Different Platforms, looks into the process of performing the final steps of getting the app published.