Excellent work! In this chapter we really rounded out the game experience by adding an entire front end, including a Shop and unlockable levels. We learned to use Grids, Maps, and List data structures to hold a variety of information. We rebuilt the HUD so that we could display more buttons, display only the available equipment, and built a basic countdown timer. We created a Score Screen to show the player how they fared in the level. We also created an introductory screen at the front of each level that utilized a simple typewriter effect that showed us how to manipulate strings. Finally, we added a save system that taught us about using local storage and allows us to have multiple player saves!
Overall we took the game from being a playable prototype to a fully fleshed out game with a beginning and end and plenty of risk and reward. In the next chapter we are going to continue to polish this game by taking a look at particle effects and adding them to the Pillar and Debris destruction...