Neither Flask nor Flask-RESTful includes the declaration of variables for the different HTTP status codes. We don't want to return numbers as status codes. We want our code to be easy to read and understand, and therefore, we will use descriptive HTTP status codes. Specifically, we will take advantage of the support for enumerations added in Python 3.4 to declare a class that defines unique sets of names and values that represent the different HTTP status codes.
First, create a service folder within the root folder for the recently created virtual environment. Create a new file within the service folder. The following lines show the code that declares the HttpStatus class that inherits from the enum.Enum class. The code file for the sample is included in the restful_python_2_01_01 folder, in the Flask01/service/ file:
from enum import Enum class HttpStatus(Enum): continue_100 = 100 switching_protocols_101 = 101 ok_200 = 200 created_201 = 201 accepted_202 = 202 non_authoritative_information_203 = 203 no_content_204 = 204 reset_content_205 = 205 partial_content_206 = 206 multiple_choices_300 = 300 moved_permanently_301 = 301 found_302 = 302 see_other_303 = 303 not_modified_304 = 304 use_proxy_305 = 305 reserved_306 = 306 temporary_redirect_307 = 307 bad_request_400 = 400 unauthorized_401 = 401 payment_required_402 = 402 forbidden_403 = 403 not_found_404 = 404 method_not_allowed_405 = 405 not_acceptable_406 = 406 proxy_authentication_required_407 = 407 request_timetout_408 = 408 conflict_409 = 409 gone_410 = 410 length_required_411 = 411 precondition_failed_412 = 412 request_entity_too_large_413 = 413 request_uri_too_long_414 = 414 unsupported_media_type_415 = 415 requested_range_not_satisfiable_416 = 416 expectation_failed_417 = 417 precondition_required_428 = 428 too_many_requests_429 = 429 request_header_fields_too_large_431 = 431 unavailable_for_legal_reasons_451 = 451 internal_server_error_500 = 500 not_implemented_501 = 501 bad_gateway_502 = 502 service_unavailable_503 = 503 gateway_timeout_504 = 504 http_version_not_supported_505 = 505 network_authentication_required_511 = 511 @staticmethod def is_informational(cls, status_code): return 100 <= status_code.value <= 199 @staticmethod def is_success(status_code): return 200 <= status_code.value <= 299 @staticmethod def is_redirect(status_code): return 300 <= status_code.value <= 399 @staticmethod def is_client_error(status_code): return 400 <= status_code.value <= 499 @staticmethod def is_server_error(status_code): return 500 <= status_code.value <= 599
The HttpStatus class defines unique sets of names and values that represent the different HTTP status codes. The names use the description as a prefix and the HTTP status code number as a suffix. For example, the 200 value of the HTTP 200 OK status code is defined in the HttpStatus.ok_200 name, and the HTTP 404 Not Found status code is defined in the HttpStatus.not_found_404 name.
In addition, the HttpStatus class declares five static methods that receive any of the HTTP status codes defined in the enumerable as an argument and determines which of the following categories the status code belongs to: informational, success, redirect, client error, or server error.