Chapter 5: Using Common Data Formats
One of the key skills that a DevOps engineer requires is the ability to manipulate data across a variety of storage mediums.
In the last chapter, we interacted with the local filesystem to read and stream files. That is foundational for the skills we will be learning in this chapter.
This chapter will focus on how to manipulate common data formats that engineers commonly use. These formats are used to configure services, structure log data, and to export metrics, among the many other uses.
In this chapter, you will learn how to use comma-separated values (CSV) files to read and store data and encode/decode the popular JSON and YAML formats. You will discover how Go uses struct
field tags to store metadata about fields. Also, you will learn how to stream these formats efficiently when working with large amounts of data.
Unlocking these skills will allow you to engage with services by manipulating configuration files, searching through...