Managing Subscriptions
The more notification subscriptions you configure, the more management overhead challenges you'll have. Management tasks can range from simply needing to enable or disable all subscriptions for maintenance and patching cycles, to having the ability to create multiple copies of existing subscriptions so as to support tiered recipient support groups. In the next few sections we'll describe some of the options available to you for overcoming these challenges.
Enabling and disabling Subscriptions
From time-to-time you will have a requirement to enable or disable your subscriptions and you can do this from the Administration workspace in the console. To disable a subscription all you need to do is to right-click on it and select the Disable option as shown in Figure 10.25.

Figure 10.25: Disabling a subscription from the console
Right-click and select the Enable option if you wish to enable the subscription again. The problem with using the console for these tasks is the fact...