Going green (screen) part 2 — improving your key
FCPX's Keyer effect did an excellent job of getting rid of most of the green background. However, because our green screen was not very well lit, the final result was not good enough. But these were just the automatic settings. Now we'll see how we can manually tweak the parameters of the Keyer effect to get a much more accurate color sample and make sure our green background is totally invisible.
Getting ready
We pick up right where we left off in the previous recipe, so it's a good idea to complete it if you haven't done so already.
How to do it...
1. Make sure your clip with the green screen is highlighted and open the Inspector (by pressing Command + 4) and click on the Video tab. You will see all the parameters for the Keyer effect:
2. Drag the Strength slider to 0. The background doesn't return entirely, but there is no automatic color sampling going on which will allow us to manually tell FCPX what colors to look for:
3. Click on the Sample...