Adding an effect and changing its parameters
We'll start with the basics of adding an effect and seeing what parameters there are to change. We've got some footage of monuments around Washington D.C.'s National Mall and we want it to have the campy look of an old educational film from the 1950s. Obviously, this can be accomplished by any clips you may have.
Getting ready
You can work with any clips at all in a project of your choice for this recipe.
How to do it...
1. Highlight a clip in your timeline that you want to give the old film look. Make sure your playhead is parked somewhere over the clip:
2. Open your Effects Browser by clicking on its icon in the toolbar or by hitting Command + 5:
3. Click on the category named Basics and find the effect Black & White.
4. Skim your cursor over the effect box and you will see a preview of the effect on the clip without even adding it yet! Hit the Space bar to get a real-time preview of the effect on the clip:
5. Double—click on the Black &...