Auditioning multiple shots or takes
Decisions, decisions. The hardest part of editing isn't always the editing process—it's deciding which shots to use. What is the most dramatic shot to introduce the bride in a wedding montage? Which piece of wild animal b-roll should you use while listening to a speaker describe the African savannah? Which take is best in the scene you're editing together for a short film?
FCPX introduces a new feature called Audition which lets editors easily place multiple clips into one spot in a timeline and easily swap each one in and out to help decide which is the best to use.
Getting ready
In the following exercise we have a simple wedding montage set to music, but can't decide on the best shot to show the bride getting into her dress:

How to do it...
1. In your Event Browser, find another clip that you think you might want to use in place of the clip in question in your timeline.
2. Mark a selection range. Do not worry about how long the clip is (it can be shorter...