Running extract on frame images
To run the extract process on a video, you can run the extract program from the cloned git
repository folder. To do this, simply run the following in an Anaconda prompt:
cd {Folder of the downloaded git repo}\ python {Folder of frame images}
This will run the face extraction process on each of the images in the folder and put the extracted images into the face_images
folder, which (by default) will be inside the folder of frame images. This folder will contain three types of files for each face detected, along with a file containing all alignments.
There will just be one of these files. It is a JSON-formatted file containing the landmark positions and warp matrix for every face found in the images. This file is human-readable like any JSON file and can be read or edited (though it’s probably not something that you’d do manually).
face_landmarks_{filename}_{face number}.png